Pablo Picasso
Pablo Ruiz Picasso was born in Malaga in 1881 and died in Moulin’s, France in 1973.
It was a very prominent Spanish painter. Throughout his life, he explored new paths and influenced all facets of the art of the twentieth century, playing like no other concern and sensitivity of contemporary artist.
Top 3 works by Pablo Picasso:
It represented in the figure of the woman’s life, sometimes combined with death (sick and miserable and sad mothers). Mothers always appear dunks lovingly over their children.
It refers to the bombing of Guernica, which occurred on April 26 of that year, during the Spanish Civil War.
This work is dedicated to the suicide of a friend of Picasso named Casagemas.
The following video
explains about the life of Paul Piccaso.
explains about the life of Paul Piccaso.
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